Pregnancy is the most beautiful period not only for the mother to be and her partner, but also for the whole gamut of friends, relatives and well wishers surrounding them. A woman's pregnancy is the time when the mother to be and her partner are filled with anxious thoughts about the known, lesser known and some unknown fears related topregnancy and pregnancy complications. The gift women have , of giving birth is special. Is amazing and wonderful in the same time to be able to carry in your belly a human being. Being pregnant is the most beautiful period of a woman`s life. Most women can`t wait to be get pregnant and take care of their baby. For nine months the mother accomodates with her baby.
During these 9 months women need to watch what they eat, what they drink, how much effort do they make , how much they sleep etc. During pregnancy there are many things a woman can`t do. Even if before being pregnant, the daily schedule was different , when getting pregnant everything changes. For example a smoker can`t smoke anymore to not harm in any way the baby. Everything the mother makes influences the baby`s growth and so, women need to be aware of their actions as well as the consequences. Finding out that a baby is on his way is a real joy for every member of the family. Pregnancy gives women different symptoms like : nausea, throwing up every morning, feeling always sleepy, eating a lot, a bit apettite etc. These symtoms occur in the first three months from conceiving. After the belly gets bigger and the baby grows, women start feeling him inside. After the sixth month the baby starts kicking, a sign of being perfectly healthy. The baby can also hear different sounds like, music, his mother`s voice , noise etc. He gets more attached to his mother because he can hear her more than others.
Pregnancy means, taking good care of yourself and of your baby too. Pregnancy means a lot of responsability but many women that get pregnant don`t know nothing about how to take care of a baby but after the baby is born, their motherly instict kicks in and there are no problems. Everyone is scared when first having a baby. He is a little being, fragile, sensitive that needs constant attention . It`s hard to raise a baby, but in the same time he offers you the most beautiful and special memories of your life. Pregnancy changes any women. An usual pregnancy lasts for 38 or 40 weeks. After this period the baby can come out , the natural way or through surgery. There are women that choose togive birth naturally even if it`s more painful and complicated or through a surgery that doesn`t leave nasty marks.
As a conclusion. Being pregnant is one of the most important parts of anyone`s life. Our reason on earth is to perpetuate the species as often as we can. There are families that have one child and there are others that have 8 children. Pregnancy is a thing that makes couples be more close to each other. Many relationships become stronger when a baby is conceived. Having a baby is easy, raising him is more harder, so people should be more wise and responsable if they want to start a family.
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